Integrating Disaster Risk Management into a Basic Online Course Training DIKSHA PORTAL
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To inform the above subject research that various efforts are being made by the Department of Education and Gujarat Disaster Management Institute (GIDM) in this regard in collaboration with GIIM (as part of safety of schools against natural calamities and disasters) BRC CRC. .Co O Headmasters and teachers are imparted offline training through various methods at the district level. The Basic Keys of Disaster Risk Management, which provides guidance on school safety as part of the current Covid-19 epidemic, has been developed by Gujarat Disaster Management Institute (IIM) in full collaboration with Shiksha Gujarat and uploaded on the Diksha platform.
This course encompasses the noble purpose of helping oneself or society in times of danger. The course can be joined through the online medium from the Diksha platform. This course is a total of 6 units) and this unit module is prepared in one or two sessions. Anyone connected with the world of education completed it in about 4 to 5 hours. Can get guidance for protection against risk. This course is prepared in both Gujarati and English medium. This course can be done in a language that suits you. After completing this course online from the Diksha platform, the certificate for completing the course can be downloaded.
Diksha Talim Link:The Introduction to Disaster Risk Management course is the introductory course of the World Bank Institute's e-Learning program on disaster risk management. The objective of this course is to familiarize development practitioners with contemporary concepts and practices in disaster management and contribute to the paradigm shift from re-active to pro-active approaches in this cross-cutting field of development. It also aims at establishing a common language and understanding among development practitioners in order to improve the collaboration among different disciplines and integrate risk reduction considerations in development plans and decisions.
Online Nishtha Talim Self Declaration Form Diksha Talim:In partnership with the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR), the World Bank has, over the past decade, emerged as a global leader in assessing exposure to hazards and addressing disaster risks. Drawing on our accumulated experience and expertise, these virtually facilitated and self-paced courses are designed to enhance your knowledge as a resilience and disaster risk management professional.
Diksha Online Talim:Taking the above matter into consideration, all the primary and secondary higher secondary school head teachers of your district, teachers and B.RC. CRC: This online course for Kasikhar and others will start from next 5-06 21, which will be completed by 20-21. All Government Semi-Government, Granted, Non-Granted KGBV Model School Ashrams, Others in the State.
The issue was that some mutual fund companies allowed certain hedge funds to engage in after-hours trading, sometimes incorrectly referred to as market timing. Unfortunately, some companies have used the confusion about the term "market timing" to further their own cause. How?
They have used this issue to pretty much ban all forms of trading their funds, and some companies are imposing hefty short-term redemption fees--penalties for all intents and purposes--in the name of avoiding impropriety. But the real idea behind it all is: Buy our fund and never sell it!
This was brought home to me when a fund manager of an $800 million mutual fund called me to see what my plans were in respect to holding our positions with his fundYou as an individual investor are really in the driver's seat. Unfortunately, you have probably been conditioned to think that Buy & Hope is a good investment strategy, when in fact it is a losing proposition.I explained my trend tracking methodology and he got very angry when he heard I would protect my clients' accumulated profits by selling his fund if it were to drop 7% off its highs.
Initially communicating in their local dialect. Animals - Birds, toys, utensils, clothes, vegetables, food, etc. A list of words spoken daily in Gujarati and local dialect. Gradually they will get acquainted with Gujarati. It will be more convenient to do teaching work by preparing chats, letter-word-sentence cards and other educational materials in local and Gujarati language. Omission and substitution - Some of the things in the general curriculum and textbooks for disabled children have to be omitted or changed...
Some experimental work has to be deleted for rehabilitated students. Practicing for the children of the tribal area by changing how much or not, they can become one with all. The above points out where and how to develop curriculum content. This work has to be done after local interaction i.e. field interaction and research. There are two main aspects of text order content development.
Diksha Talim for Teachers :This introductory course of the program addresses basic questions such as “what are to be considered natural disasters?", “where do they strike the most and how?” and “what are the components of comprehensive disaster risk management?". It also reviews the institutional arrangements and financing mechanisms of disaster management systems, and identifies the role of national and local actors in the processes related to risk assessment, mitigation and financing. This course targets general development practitioners to raise their awareness and sensitivity in prevention of natural disasters. The built-in learning tools of the course give an opportunity to participants to monitor their learning progress.
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