FLN Nishtha 3.0 Talim Aheval PDF Module 1 to 12

FLN Nishtha 3.0 Talim Aheval PDF Module 1 to 12
The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 states that "Teachers truly shape the future of our children and therefore, the future of our Nation. The motivation and empowerment of teachers is required to ensure the best possible future of our children and nation”. As per the recommendation of NEP 2020, every teacher and head teacher is expected to participate in at least 50 hours of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) opportunities every year for their own professional development, driven by their own interests.
Nishtha Talim Aheval 1 to 12
CPD opportunities will, in particular, systematically cover the latest pedagogies regarding foundational literacy and numeracy, formative and adaptive assessment of learning outcomes, competency-based learning, and related pedagogies, such as experiential learning, arts-integrated, sports-integrated, and storytelling-based approaches, etc. To realize the vision of NEP-2020, recently NCERT under the aegies of Ministry of Education (MoE), Department of School Education and Literacy (DSE&L), Govt. of India. In collaboration with States / UTs and autonomous bodies under MoE, MoD and MoTA (CBSE, KVS, NVS, CTSA, AEES, Sainik School, CICSE, EMRS - NESTS etc.) have initiated the NISHTHA integrated training programme 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 online for different stages of school education - Teachers, Head Teachers/Principals and other stakeholders in Educational Management and Administration.
FLN Nistha Talim Module 1 to 12
The DIKSHA platform offers teachers, students and parents engaging learning material relevant to the prescribed school curriculum. Teachers have access to aids like lesson plans, worksheets and activities, to create enjoyable classroom experiences. Students understand concepts, revise lessons and do practice exercises. Parents can follow classroom activities and clear doubts outside school hours.
Explore interactive material created by teachers and the best Indian content creators for teachers and students in India. By India, for India!
• Scan QR codes from textbooks and find additional learning material associated with the topic
• Store and share content offline, even without Internet connectivity
• Find lessons and worksheets relevant to what is taught in the school classroom
• Experience the app in English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Marathi, Kannada, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Urdu with additional Indian languages coming soon!
• Supports multiple content formats like Video, PDF, HTML, ePub, H5P, Quizzes – and more formats coming soon!
Advantages for teachers
• Find interactive and engaging teaching material to make your class interesting
• See and share best practices with other teachers to explain difficult concepts to students
• Join courses to further your professional development and earn badges and certificates on completion
• View your teaching history across your career as a school teacher
• Receive official announcements from the state department
• Conduct digital assessments to check your students’ understanding of a topic that you have taught.
Advantages for students and parents
• Scan QR codes in your textbook for easy access to the associated lessons on the platform
• Revise lessons that you learnt in class
• Find additional material around topics that are difficult to understand
• Practice solving problems and get immediate feedback on whether the answer is correct or not.
Want to create content for DIKSHA?
• Help teachers deliver concepts in an easy and engaging manner
• Help students learn better in and outside class.
• Get involved in providing students with high quality learning material, irrespective of where they study
• If you wish to be a part of this movement, visit the VidyaDaan portal using vdn.diksha.gov.in
This initiative is supported by the Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD) and led by the National Council Of Educational Research And Training (NCERT) in India.
Important Links:
Nishtha Talim Module 1 Aheval PDF
Nishtha Talim Module 2 Aheval PDF
Nishtha Talim Module 3 Aheval PDF
Nishtha Talim Module 4 Aheval PDF
Nishtha Talim Module 5 Aheval PDF
Nishtha Talim Module 6 Aheval PDF
Nishtha Talim Module 7 Aheval PDF
Nishtha Talim Module 8 Aheval PDF
Nishtha Talim Module 9 Aheval PDF
Nishtha Talim Module 10 Aheval PDF
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