SSA Gujarat Online Hajari: School Attendance & Adhar Dise Login

SSA Gujarat Online Hajari: School Attendance & Dise Login :The Education Department of Gujarat has approved the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan as per all the provisions. Its main objective is to raise the standard of education in the state and bring more children within the ambit of primary schools. Under the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, the Gujarat Education Department recruits and trains professional teachers. In fact, many such online work should be handed over to anybody other than Acharya / Teachers, because on a day when there is a network problem, children can not be read by heart while teaching work In addition, Gujarat's schools and teachers. Online presence of all school teachers and students is required by the government. For this, the official website of Online Attendance Gujarat ( Aadhaar Enabled DISE Gujarat ) has been started by "SSA". This website is also presented in the Android version. Great user interface and convenient options are given. The option is given in Gujarati language. It is loaded with the super super fast speed. the SSA Gujarat Online Hajari Portal has been launched to maintain the standard of education and to keep the entire operation transparent. SSA Gujarat is proving to be an excellent portal to monitor the attendance time of online Hajari teachers. Through this, not only students are getting an education, but the level of education is also changing.
Note: -
Online attendance of teachers can be filled only from 11:30 a.m. Monday to Friday.
Attendance of second shift schools can be filled only from Monday to Friday till 02:00 hrs.
Instructions: -
1. Login with USERNAME and PASSWORD of your child tracking system.
2. Providing online attendance at our school is mandatory.
3. If you have difficulty in attending online, e-mail your suggestions and complaints to
4. Complete school attendance as soon as school starts.
4. Your IP address and attendance time are also taken into the system which should be noted by the survey teacher friends.
Important Link:
Click Here for Online attendance for Students
Click Here for Online attendance for Teachers
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