Primary Teacher Bdli Paripatra PDF [All PARIPATRA] | Bdli Paripatra For All Teachers

Primary Teacher Important Circulars PDF [All PARIPATRA]
Primary Teacher Bdli Paripatra PDF [All PARIPATRA]
Festival of Admission programme has been implemented in primary schools of entire Gujarat since 1998-99. kanya-graphNumber of students admitted in three days of festival of admissions and girls' education festival were as under:On account of girl's education rath yatra illiterate guardians became conscious for education, particularly girls' education.Hon. Chief Minister, Hon. Education Minister, Hon. Ministers of other departments, In-charge secretary of the District, Dist. Collector, Dist. Development Officer, I.A.S., I.P.S., I.F.S. officers, sachivalay officers moved from villages to villages in scorching heat of summer to actively participate with social service spirit.Member of parliament, Member of Legislative Assembly, Taluka and District Office bearers also joined in rath-yatra of girls' education and gave their sincere contributions in govt. efforts to lead Gujarat to first line regarding women literacy.
Construction of class-rooms of primary schools was very slow from 1992-93 to 1996-97. Only 6597 class-rooms were constructed. 58,934 class-rooms have been constructed from 1998-99 to 2006-07. State govt. has accepted in principal the ratio of one room per one teacher. Accordingly it has been planned to construct deficient rooms in all primary schools.
There were no separate facilities of urinals and latrines for boys and girls in higher primary schools. Consequently drop-outs among girls in higher standard increased. The govt. has completed construction of 43,684 complexes under school sanitation programme and total sanitation programme.Health department of the state looks after health of all children ranging from new born children to 14 years in this programme.Treatment of children in ailments like anemia, serious diseases of heart, kidney and cancer is provided in prominent hospitals in the state or outside state free. About one crore boys are checked under the programme.The children who required referal services are sent to civil hospitals of the district.
where pediatricians, eye surgeons, ear, nose and throat surgeons, dental surgeons, dermatologists provide medical treatment.The children who suffer from visual disability are provided free spectacles.Gov of Gujarat Provide 450 lakh .Pilot project of Health oriented school programme has been started in Gujarat for the first time in country with the cooperation of world health organisation, UNICEF, UNESCO and word bank.
It is becoming increasingly important to have an acceptable credit record. Whether we like it or not, society equates the ability to manage credit responsibly with responsible behavior, even if individuals have a bad credit record through no fault of their own. Landlords often look at applicants’ credit records before renting apartments to see whether they manage their finances responsibly and are therefore likely to pay their rent on time. Banks and other lenders look at the credit records of loan applicants to find out whether they are likely to have loans repaid. Some employers also look at credit records, especially where employees handle money, and view a good credit record as a measure of maturity and stability.
In some insurance companies, underwriters have long used credit records in cases where additional information was needed. Before the development of automated scoring systems, underwriters would look at the data and make decisions, often erring on the overly cautious side that disadvantaged many more people. Automated insurance scoring and underwriting systems eliminate the weaknesses inherent in someone’s personal judgment and have allowed more drivers to be placed in preferred and standard rating classifications, saving them money. With the development of these scoring models, the use of credit-related information in underwriting and rating for many insurers has become routine. Insurers use insurance scores to different extents and in different ways. Most use them to screen new applicants for insurance and price new business.
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