Daily Market Report All APMC - Gujarat Agriculture Marketing

The Agricultural Produce Market Committee, Mahuva was established in 1858 by a local lawyer named Shree Jugaldas Mehta. The APMC was established for the purpose of regulating the marketing of different kinds of Agricultural Produce. A.P.M.C. was primarily set up to cater to the marketing needs of the farmers and provide them a platform for selling agricultural produce in various markets and at competitive prices. It is spread across 90 bighas of land. Mahuva and its surrounding villages are best known for its onion production in India. The region is the largest produces of white onions and second largest producer of red onions in the country. Therefore Onion is the largest trading commodity in Mahuva A.P.M.C. Peanuts, cotton and Coconuts are also major trading commodities of this market. In fact it is the only A.P.M.C of the state where coconuts are officially traded.
APMC Manchar App also provides timely updates published by popular agriculture info media agency. Information like weather forecast,Farmers success stories, better practices, organic farming is published daily.
An Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC) is a marketing board established by state governments in India to ensure farmers are safeguarded from exploitation by large retailers, as well as ensuring the farm to retail price spread does not reach excessively high levels.
MARKET PLACE- This feature is the buyer and seller meeting platform, where a buyer or a seller can register his/her buying or selling requirement/s. It will help them to buy or sell faster, with higher profitability
The scheme is being implemented by the Directorate of Marketing & Inspection with technical assistance from the National Informatics Centre (NIC) and in association with the State Agricultural Marketing Boards/Directorates and APMCs.
Market Information about the price and arrival etc. for the agricultural produce is very vital to the farmers taking proper production and marketing decisions. The existence and dissemination of complete and accurate market information are key to achieve both operational and pricing efficiency in the marketing system.
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